Wednesday, July 31, 2013


I have a set formula for how I pick which workouts I'll do each week and on what days.  Its something I've come up with over the last couple years of doing pretty rough workouts.  Since I'm probably going to explain it more in depth later on, the short version is that Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday are hard days, Wednesday is my (relatively) low impact recovery day, and Sunday is my complete rest day.

Wednesdays for me mean no running, no pull ups, push ups, squats, dips, or shoulder stuff, no burpees, none of that stuff.  Instead, I ruck march (speed walking with a heavy weighted backpack), row (on a machine obviously), pool stuff (mainly treading water, but I try to toss in a few laps every now and then), and some joint mobility exercises I've picked up along the way for my ankles, knees, and hips.

Got up earlyish and did a 5mi ruck march with about 50lbs at 0700 this morning.  Mid 70 degree temps weren't so bad, but the 85% humidity made it awful.  Thankfully there were a few people on the trails in front of me so I only had to eat spiderwebs a few times, rather than constantly eating them for an hour like the last time.  Finished in 1:21.

Off to the gym.  Warmed up by rowing 5:00 with a resistance of 6/10, changing grip every 1:00.  Then spent 10:00 doing full body stretching.

Headed back upstairs to the rower, bumped the resistance up to 10/10 and did a 500m max effort sprint.  PRed (personal record) it with a 1:35.8.

Hopped off, did side planks for 1:00 per side.

Started on my joint mobility stuff.  Its a bunch of boring, low weight, low rep exercises to help strengthen the ligaments and muscles in and around my ankles, knees, and hips.

Back upstairs to the rower.  Did another 500m max effort sprint and PRed (again!) with a 1:34.8.

Did another set of side planks for 1:00 per side.

Changed into my swimsuit and jumped into the pool.  Stretched in the water for a bit, then jumped into the hot tub for 5:00.  Back into the pool and treaded water in the deepest part for 30:00.  Then back into the hot tub for 5:00, dried off, changed, and headed home.

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