Sunday, February 2, 2014


Worked all night, 4 hours of sleep, blah blah.  Got to the gym at the usual time and met up with Josh.

Ran 800m at 6:42/mi pace to warm up followed by 10:00 of stretching and foam rolling.

SealFit Unknown 007
For time:
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps:
75lbs Thruster
Pull ups

First time.  Any combination of thrusters and pull ups make for a tough workout.  Did the first round of thrusters and pull ups unbroken.  Did the next round in 10/8, the next in 10/5, then 7/5, then 7/2.  The final rounds of 6 and 3 I did unbroken.  Finished in 11:48.

Random ab stuff.  Scissors, flutter kicks, seated V-ups, reverse crunches, side bends.

Flat dumbbell bench press.  Started with 65lbs, then 75, 80, 85 and finished with 95lbs.

Wanted to get a little bit of a run in.  Ran 6 x 400m.  First interval I did at 5:17/mi pace.  The next 3 intervals I did at 5:04/mi pace.  And the final 2 intervals I did at 4:52/mi pace.  And I rested for 1:30 in between each interval.


Just wanted to do some quick ab stuff before work.  Did a max effort bicycle kick crunch for the length of a song, which was something like 3-4min.  Then tried to do a front plank for the length of another song, which was probably another 3-4min.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Another normal gym day.  Got there around 230.

Ran 800m for a warm up at 6:42/mi pace, then did 10:00 of stretching.

SealFit Unknown 007
3 Rounds, for time:
Run 800m
25 x 24" Box Jumps
25 Burpee Pull ups

First time trying this.  Ran each of the 800s at 6:42/mi pace.  The first run was easy, the second and third would start off difficult but then the blood would start flowing again and I'd finish the run pretty easily.  Box jumps weren't too bad.  Did the first set in 20/5, the next in 15/10, and the third in 10/10/5.  The burpee pull ups were tough.  Broke all of them into 10/10/5.  Finished in 32:30.

Random weighted ab stuff.  2 sets of 45lbs weighted sit ups, 2 sets of 25lbs weighted "I don't know what they are called, sortof sit ups but you reach behind your head with the weight?,"  then 100 reps of 2ct flutter kicks with a 45lbs plate on my chest, 100 reps of scissors with a 45lbs plate on my chest, a max rep set of seated V-ups and a max rep set of reverse crunches.

Shoulder time.  Started with seated dumbbell shoulder press, then a recovery set of balance and agility drills, then shoulder shrugs, another set of balance and recovery drills, and finally the shoulder range of motion wod with 10lbs dumbbells.

Decided I should get some hot tub time in.  Went and did a full stretching routine in the pool, then jumped in the hot tub for 5min.  Quick hop in the regular pool, then went outside on the patio (in 30deg temps with wind) and did a max set of push ups and squats, then back inside into the hot tub for another 5min, another quick jump in the pool, and then back outside for another max set of push ups and squats.  It was rather brisk.


Normal gym day.  Got to the gym about 230.

Usual 5:00 rowing warm up on 10/10 resistance followed by 10:00 of stretching.

SealFit 140127
For completion:
5 Rounds:
1min Squat Jumps
1min Pullups
1min Dips
1min Situps
1min Burpees
Rest 1min

First time.  Probably could modify this to be for total reps, but then I would have had to keep track of that in between exercises.  Pretty tough, just because its max effort for each minute.  I was using the Tabata timer on my phone, so I had 15sec of recovery/transition time in between exercises to move to the next station.

Did some random ab stuff.  Scissors, flutter kicks, reverse crunches, leg levers, seated V-ups.

Incline dumbbell bench press.  Using a percentage guide I got from SealFit.  Started with 50lbs, then 55, 60, 70, and finished with 80.

Wanted to run a little.  Ran 4 x 400m at 6:03/mi pace.  After each interval, I went downstairs and did 5 bar muscle ups.


Long trail run day.  4 hours of sleep, breakfast, changed clothes, then headed out to the forest.  Really packed parking lot, had to circle around for a few minutes before finding a spot.  Looked like a lot of cyclists.  Wanted to do an Outer Loop plus some extra stuff today.  I had asked my group message board if anyone was interested in joining me but no one responded.

Started out around 3:00.  Started slow since I knew I would be going a  long ways.  Got maybe a quarter mile into it when I see I'm catching up on a girl walking a black dog.  As I get within 10m or so, I see its a large black German Shepard, so I start calling out "on your left, on your left" to signal I'm about to pass.  Absolutely no recognition.  As I get to within a couple meters, I see she's wearing earbuds.  Yep, good plan while walking your large aggressive dog on narrow, crowded forest trails.  Intelligent!  I veer into the woods to go around them and just as I'm about to pass, the dog finally sees me and lunges at me, narrowly missing me.  Good job sweetie, you keep being stupid.

Pretty uneventful for the next 45min or so.  I was climbing up the biggest hill in the forest when I heard some voices in front.  It was a man and woman hiking up the hill with large packs on.  I the woman talking about a "48 hour endurance event" which sounded similar to the GoRuck Challenge I did in Charleston in Dec 2012.  I briefly stopped to ask her about it, while walking up the trail still.  She tried to convince me to do some other variation of a GRC called "F.O.R.G.E."  Basically get hazed for 13 hours, but without a special operations instructor.  Yea no thanks.  Probably only wasted a minute or two talking to them.

Kept chugging along.  Had a little bit of discomfort in my right hamstring but otherwise did alright.  Finished pretty strong in 1:43, but you can probably subtract a minute or so off there for when I stopped.

Friday, January 24, 2014


Got a lot of sleep so I felt pretty decent today.  Got to the gym around 230.

5:00 rowing warm up on 10/10 resistance followed by 10:00 of stretching.

Sealfit 131003:
For time:
25 Rounds of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats
Then, run 1mi
*if over 40:00, run 1mi penalty.

First time trying this, although I've done the 5/10/15 thing before a ton.  Powered through the first 15 or so rounds doing each in about 50sec.  Then for the remaining 10 rounds, I did each in about 55sec.  Transitioned to the treadmill somewhere around 21min and ran a 7:24 mi.  Finished in 30:00.

Quick ab workout.  Just did a set of tabata intervals for reverse crunches.  Then a max set of scissors.

Flat dumbbell bench press.

Went upstairs and ran 4 x 400m.  First two intervals were at 5:04/mi pace.  Second two intervals were at 4:52/mi pace.  Recovered in between each rep for 1:30.


This getting 4 hours of sleep after working all night is not enjoyable.  Got to the gym around 215.

For a warm up, I ran 800m in 6:42/mi pace then did 10:00 of stretching.

Sealfit 131230:
In order, for time:
Run 400m
40 Burpee pull ups
40 Walking lunge steps
Run 800m
80 Squat jumps
80 x 2ct Mountain climbers
Run 1mi
100 Push ups
100 Sit ups
Run 2mi

First time.  Decently tough workout, but only because of running 1 and 2mi on a treadmill.  Ugh so boring.  Broke the burpee pull ups into groups of 10.  Did the walking lunges unbroken.  Broke the squat jumps and mountain climbers into groups of 20.  Broke the push ups and sit ups into groups of 25.  For the runs, did the 400m at 6:22/mi pace, the 800m at 6:52/mi pace, the 1mi in 7:32, and the 2mi in 16:05.  Not good times (for me) for the 1mi or 2mi, but then again I was sucking wind from all the exercises.  Finished in 55:24.

Did the runner's core wod.  First round did each exercise for 1mi, then in the second round I did each exercise for 45sec.

Shoulders.  Haven't done push press in a while so I started there.  Then a recovery set of balance drills.  Then shoulder shrug.  Another set of balance drills.  And finally the shoulder range of motion wod with 10lbs dumbbells.

Just wanted to make a relatively even total mileage for the day so I ran 400m at 5:04/mi pace.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Had to work Sunday evening so I wanted to do something quick while I was getting stuff ready for work.

Did 2min max rep sets of a few different exercises.  Started with hand release push ups (47), then reverse crunches (60), and finished with squat jumps (74).


Got up to do my group trail run.  Pretty cold outside, hovering around the high 20s.  When I got out there, there was a pretty large group for the 0700 lap.  Another guy that's about my age was there, and for some reason I thought he was decently quick, so I decided I'd stay with him.  Turns out not so much.  We stuck with a group of the older people and ended up running really slow for the first half.  Slow enough where I wasn't even breathing heavy.

Getting close to about the halfway point, I mentioned to the younger guy I was with that I was going to pick it up and try to finish with a negative split.  He said he'd tag along, so at the base of the Switchbacks we picked it up and left the group we were running with.  Hard effort up the Switchback hill, then a good quick cruising pace through the back side of Midlands Mountain, another hard effort up the last two big hills and then a fast pace through the Pine Forest to the finish.  Bit disappointed with my finish time of 1:18 but ah well, I knew that first half was slow.

Did some random sets of push ups and squats throughout the rest of the day.

Monday, January 20, 2014


Bleh, worked all night, then 4 short hours of sleep, then breakfast, then the gym.  Got there a little after 2.

Sortof changed it up a little.  Warmed up with a timed 1km on the rower with 10/10 resistance.  Finished it in 3:38.  Then did 10:00 of stretching.

Crossfit Angie
For time:
100 Pull ups
100 Push ups
100 Sit ups
100 Squats

I've done this one a bunch before.  You're supposed to complete all 100 reps of each exercise before moving on to the next.  The pull ups always take the longest.  This time they took around 6min.  Push ups were tough, they took maybe 3-4min.  Sit ups should have been easier, took another 4min.  And I just suffered through the squats.  Finished in 14:51 which is about 1.5min over my best time.  I think I probably lost the most time during the sit ups.

Random ab stuff.  Sets of scissors and flutter kicks.  Sets of leg levers and side bends.  And then a set of max rep seated V-ups.

Weighted pull ups.  Held a 45lbs dumbbell between my feet and did 5 rounds of 5 strict pull ups followed by 20 calf raises.  Then went to the dip bars.  Had a 45lbs plate hang around my waist and did 5 rounds of 5 strict dips followed by 20 calf raises.

Run time.  Ran 3 x 800m on the treadmill.  Ran the first at 5:56/mi pace, the next at 5:53/mi pace, and the third at 5:50/mi.  Rested for 3min in between intervals.

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Since I would be heading to work this evening, I just wanted to do a quick ab workout.  Did a modified version of the runner's core wod.  1min of bicycle crunches, 1min of left side plank, 1min of bridges, 1min of right side plank, 1min of donkey kicks, and 1min of front plank.


Had my job interview this morning, went well and I passed.  Headed back to Columbia, immediately changed clothes, got my drinks ready, and then headed to the gym.

Someone was on the rower so I ran 800m on the treadmill at 6:22/mi pace.  Then 10:00 of stretching.

Crossfit Cindy XXX
Complete as many reps as possible in 20min, or complete it in the fastest time.
10 Pull ups
20 Push ups
30 Squats
15 Pull ups
30 Push ups
45 Squats
20 Pull ups
40 Push ups
60 Squats
25 Pull ups
50 Push ups
75 Squats
30 Pull ups
60 Push ups
90 Squats

First time on this.  The idea is that if you can, you should try to complete the whole thing in under 20min.  But if not, then you count the total number of reps you could complete and that's your score.  Started off pretty decent.  Got through to the set of 40 push ups before I had to start breaking them into sets.  Kinda went downhill from there.  Completed everything in 19:16

More random ab stuff.  Laying on my back, I set a 45lbs plate onto my chest then did sets of exercises.  Did 100 scissors, 100 flutterkicks, a max set of leg levers, and a max set of side bends.  The heavy weight on your chest just makes ab stuff harder since it restricts your breathing and you have to tighten your core to keep from getting squished.

Shoulders.  Started with seated dumbbell shoulder press, then a recovery set of leg agility and balance drills.  Then shoulder shrugs, and then straight into the shoulder range of motion wod with 10lbs dumbbells.

Got onto the treadmill for hill repeats.  Ran 4 rounds of the following:
Run 400m on incline 5.0 at 7:59/mi pace
15 Squat Jumps
15 Calf Raises

The only rest was getting on and off the treadmill.  Felt decent.  Hadn't run hill repeats in a little while.  Legs were starting to feel it at the end.


A little different schedule for today.  Got up earlyish, ate breakfast, then got on the road to head to Atlanta.  I had a job interview the following morning, and with it being a 3.5hr drive, I decided it would be better to head there the afternoon before.  Checked into the hotel and found the hotel gym.  Not exactly the best hotel gym I've seen, but ah well, work with what you have.

Just made this up, but I'll probably save it.
Unknown 010
6 Rounds, for time:
Run 400m
25 Squats
25 Push ups
25 Leg levers

Thought this was a good combination of leg, core, and upper body.  Used the treadmill for the runs keeping each one at 7:00/mi pace.  Probably should have gone faster but the treadmill's belt felt like it was catching on something.  Did every set of the exercises unbroken.  Finished in 21:16.  Felt decent.

Did some random ab stuff.  Scissors, reverse crunches, flutter kicks, and side bends.

Should range of motion wod with 7.5lbs dumbbells.

Monday, January 13, 2014


Another day of 4 hours of sleep, waking up, eating, then working out.

Wanted to get a ruck march in since I hadn't done one in a little while.  It was going to be a nice day outside so I thought it would be good to do it in the forest.  Got all my crap ready and headed down there to find the forest closed due to the river flooding.  Damn.  Turned around and headed to the Lake Murray Dam.

Put on my pack, which is still around 50lbs.  No rifle simulator today since I wanted to do PT with rucking.  Headed out and did 6 rounds of rucking 1mi, 25 push ups, and 25 squats.  The exercises were done immediately after my watch beeped for 1mi, with no rest, and while still wearing the pack.  Had a good pace for the rucking.  Kept it under 15:00/mi for most of the intervals.  I think only a couple intervals were over 15:00, and those were just barely over.

Left foot started developing a small blister after the 2nd mile. Right foot started developing a small blister after mile 4.  Pushed through it.  I think they developed because I wore the wrong socks.  Ah well.  I have enough experience with fixing blisters that they aren't that big a deal anymore.

Did every set of exercises unbroken.  The last couple sets of push ups sucked.  150 push ups with a 50lbs pack is rough, especially considering the "rest" breaks were still an upperbody workout.