Monday, January 13, 2014


Another day of 4 hours of sleep, waking up, eating, then working out.

Wanted to get a ruck march in since I hadn't done one in a little while.  It was going to be a nice day outside so I thought it would be good to do it in the forest.  Got all my crap ready and headed down there to find the forest closed due to the river flooding.  Damn.  Turned around and headed to the Lake Murray Dam.

Put on my pack, which is still around 50lbs.  No rifle simulator today since I wanted to do PT with rucking.  Headed out and did 6 rounds of rucking 1mi, 25 push ups, and 25 squats.  The exercises were done immediately after my watch beeped for 1mi, with no rest, and while still wearing the pack.  Had a good pace for the rucking.  Kept it under 15:00/mi for most of the intervals.  I think only a couple intervals were over 15:00, and those were just barely over.

Left foot started developing a small blister after the 2nd mile. Right foot started developing a small blister after mile 4.  Pushed through it.  I think they developed because I wore the wrong socks.  Ah well.  I have enough experience with fixing blisters that they aren't that big a deal anymore.

Did every set of exercises unbroken.  The last couple sets of push ups sucked.  150 push ups with a 50lbs pack is rough, especially considering the "rest" breaks were still an upperbody workout.

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