Saturday, October 26, 2013


Legs were sore from yesterday but otherwise everything felt alright.

Another screwy schedule.  Had to go back to the security company for one last form, then went to the doctor's office so he could sign off on a medical release for me.  Which he only did after giving me a 2min sports physical.  Ugh dumb.  Finally got to the gym around 2:50.

Usual 5:00 rowing warm up on 10/10 resistance followed by 10:00 of stretching and foam rolling.

SealFit 130301
AMRAP in 30min:
50m Bear crawl
5 Burpee pull ups
50m Walking lunge steps
5 Burpee pull ups

First time trying this one.  I wanted to do a wod that had bear crawls in it, since I haven't done them in a little while.  I used the basketball court that the gym has, since it was empty (thankfully) and its located right next to the pull up bars.  I asked the gym staff how long it was and they didn't know, but said it was "3/4" of the size of a normal basketball court.  Sounded close enough to me.  So I would bear crawl from one end to the other and back, then do the burpee pull ups, back inside the basketball court for the walking lunges across and back, and then finishing up with the last set of burpee pull ups.  Bear crawls went very well.  Really only the last round or two where I started to struggle, but I still managed every round unbroken.  Same with the burpee pull ups and walking lunges.  I used my walking lunges as an estimate for distance.  On a football field, they are usually about 1 yard per lunge, which puts it close enough to 1m for my needs.  Counted the lunges across and it came out to 21-22 pretty consistently.  Checking now what 3/4 the length of a full size court is, and its 21m, so I was spot-on.  Finished with 6 full rounds, then I finished the 50m bear crawl, the 5 burpee pull ups, and I was 15m into the walking lunges when the timer sounded.

Another time strapped day.  So I combined abs with flat dumbbell bench press.  Started with 80lbs, then did a max rep set of flutter kicks.  Then moved up to 85lbs and did a max rep set of seated V-ups.  Then moved up to 90lbs and did a max rep set of scissors.  Then dropped back down to 85lbs for a final set.

Wanted to get in a sprint workout.  Headed up to the treadmill.  Ran 4x400m at 5:17/mi pace, then another 2x400m at 5:04/mi pace.  And I did 1:30 recovery between each rep.  Legs could definitely feel the lunges and burpees.

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