Friday, October 25, 2013


Woke up feeling pretty decent, which makes sense since I haven't done anything since Tuesday haha.

Little bit of a screwy schedule today. Went to the DMV to get a driving history for a couple applications I'm going to turn in next week.  Then swung by the security company that is trying to hire me to sign some more crap.  Got to the gym around 2:50.

Usual 5:00 rowing warm up and 10:00 of stretching and foam rolling.

SealFit 130820
3 Rounds, for time:
Run 800m
5 Rounds:
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats

First time on this workout.  Felt pretty good.  I can bust out quite a lot of these 5-10-15 rounds.  Kept a good pace on the runs, somewhere around 6:42/mi pace.  And did all 15 rounds of the exercises unbroken.  Got a little delayed (maybe 20sec) before starting the exercises in the 2nd round because a guy was finishing up on the pull up bar.  Finished in 23:46.

Knew I was going to be strapped for time so I combined abs in with shoulders.  Started with seated dumbbell shoulder press, a recovery set of balance drills, then as many rounds as possible of 5 reverse crunches and 5 leg levers.  I think I did 6 or 7.  Then did standing shoulder shrugs, another recovery set of balance drills, then as many rounds as possible of 10 side bends and 10 scissors.  I did 5 or 6.  Then finished up with the lightweight shoulder range of motion wod.

It was close to when I wanted to leave so I jumped upstairs and did a single 800m run on the treadmill at 5:46/mi pace.  Then immediately went downstairs and did a max rep set of strict pull ups (19).

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