Bleh, crappy day. Worked all night. Got into bed by 0750, got up at 1200, ate breakfast, got ready and headed to the gym a little after 2.
Usual 5:00 rowing warm up on 10/10 resistance followed by 10:00 of stretching and foam rolling.
Crossfit Fran
For time:
21-15-9 reps of:
95lbs Thruster
Pull ups
I've done this one a bunch of times. Its easily the hardest under-10min wod that I know. A slow time would be 8-10min, a pro level fast time would be 2:00. My PR for it is 4:06 back in the summer. Started off doing the round of 21 unbroken for both thrusters and pull ups. Got to the round of 15 and split the thrusters and pull ups into 10/5. Tried to power through the round of 9 but my grip was "crapping the bed." Broke the thrusters into 5/4 and the pull ups into 6/3. Finished in 4:13.
Did some light ab work. Seated V-ups, leg levers, scissors, and side bends.
Was planning on doing a SealFit wod but I still felt like garbage from doing Fran earlier. Resulted in only doing 2 rounds of the following:
50m walking lunge holding 2x10lbs weights
20 push ups
20 x 4ct flutterkicks
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