Friday, August 16, 2013


Hands are all good.  Left shin is still bothering me.

Usual 5:00 rowing warm up and 10:00 stretching.

SF Desmond Doss
Deck of Cards workout
Spades = Pull ups, Clubs = 2ct Lunges, Diamonds = Squats, Hearts = Burpees
Aces = 15, Kings = 13, Queens = 12, Jacks = 11, Jokers = Dealers Choice

Pretty simple workout.  You shuffle a full deck of playing cards.  Flip the top card over and do the number of corresponding exercises, ie 5 of Hearts means you do 5 burpees.  It can be tough though, because invariably, you don't shuffle the deck enough and you get 3 or 4 cards all in a row of the same exercise.  My padawan (Star Wars reference) Josh is back from India and was at the gym when I got there.  We ended up doing the workout together, so there was a few times when I had to wait a few seconds for him to catch up.  I decided for the Jokers I would do a max set of muscle ups.  Finished in 39:23.

Abs.  Did 25 reps of every ab exercise I could think of, with only a few seconds recovery in between.  Crunches, flutter kicks, scissors, side bends, left side crunches, right side crunches, leg levers, reverse crunches, knees to chest, and seated V-ups.

Weighted pull ups.  Did 5 reps at each weight.  Started at 20lbs, then 30, 40, 50, 60, and had to struggle a little to get all 70.  Then did 4 or 5 more sets of 5 with 70, changing grips each time.

Headed upstairs to the large group fitness room and did bear crawls back and forth across it.  Its maybe 40 or 50m wide.  I went down-and-back twice before my shoulders and hips said Nope!

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