Sunday, August 11, 2013


Left palm is getting better, still taped it though.  Fingers are all good thankfully.

Since I'm driving down to Florida to see my friend Mike today, I got up early to get my workout in before breakfast.  Got to the gym about 0600.  A little busy but not bad.

Unfortunately two guys were going back and forth on the rower so I couldn't use that for a warmup.  Had to do 5:00 on an elliptical and I quickly remembered why elliptical machines are dumb.  Stretched for 10:00.

Sealfit 121211
For time:
Run 800m
Then, 10 Rounds:
10 x 4ct Mountain Climbers
10 Dips
10 Leg Levers
Run 800m

Decent workout.  Not too hard on the upper body although going straight from mountain climbers to dips got tough at towards the end.  I need to work more on my mountain climbers.  I think I rely a bit too much on my arms to hold me up so I get fatigued faster than I should.  The two 800m runs were good, I did both at 6:22/mile pace.  Finished in 20:53

Since I was strapped for time, I combined shoulders with abs.  Started with standing military press.  Then balance drills followed by a max rep set of reverse crunches.  Then shoulder shrugs.  Then another set of balance drills followed by a max rep set of hanging knees to chest.  Then finished with the shoulder range of motion workout.

Wanted to just do a short run since my left shin was bothering me.  Headed upstairs to the treadmill and knocked out 4x400 with 1:30 recovery in between.  Good pace on each 400, I think it was around 5:17/mile pace.

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