Tuesday, August 13, 2013


The time off was nice but it felt better to get back into it.  Hands are good, just the remnants of blisters left.

Usual 5:00 rowing warm up and 10:00 of stretching.

Sealfit Thomas E. Creek
5 Rounds, for time:
25 Pull ups
25 Push ups
Run 400m
25 Burpees
25 Sit ups
Run 400m

I knew this was going to be a long wod.  The exercises aren't bad, but they start to add up after the 3rd round.  And the burpees were just terrible from the start.  Sets of 25 burpees will make anyone hurt.  Kept the runs at a good pace, somewhere around 6:42/mile pace.  Running at that speed following burpees and sit ups was unpleasant.  Push ups and sit ups were easy, I did all 5 sets of each unbroken.  I did the first set of pull ups unbroken, then the rest I split into groups of 15 and 10.  Thankfully no new blisters.  Finished it in 1:07:27.

Shoulder stuff.  Started with shrugs, then a recovery set of balance drills, then standing military press, another set of balance drills, and then finished up with the range of motion workout.

I was feeling pretty beat up from the SF wod, and since it totaled 2.5 miles, I just wanted to make it an even number.  Headed to the treadmill and sprinted an 800m at 5:31/mile pace.

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