Thursday, December 12, 2013


Day off so that means gym time.  Figured out a better schedule for going to the gym on my days off.  Wake up at 1200, leave the house at 1345, get to the gym around 1400, work out until 1700 or so.  It does mean that first day sucks though, since I only get 4 hours of sleep.  Ah well.  Sleep is for the weak haha.

5:00 rowing warm up on 10/10 resistance followed by 10:00 of stretching and foam rolling.

SF 130313
AMRAP in 20min:
10 Pull ups
10 Burpees
10 Jump lunges per leg

First time.  Pull ups went well, did every set unbroken.  Took it a little easy on the burpees.  Still did every set unbroken but I wasn't cooking through them either.  And the jump lunges were tough but doable.  Finished with 8 full rounds completed plus 10 pull ups.

Runner's core wod.

Haven't done incline dumbbell bench press in a long time.  Unfortunately yesterday's wod pretty well destroyed my chest and arms, and the 80 burpees from earlier didn't help much either.  Did not go well in other words.  Started with 75, then 65, then 55, then 75.

Onto the treadmill. Ran 4 x 800m with a 3:00 recovery in between.  Ran the first half of each 800m at 6:00/mi pace, then bumped it to 5:30/mi pace for the second half.  The last interval I ran the first half at 6:00/mi pace then bumped it to 5:17/mi pace.

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